Pure CBD Oil

One common side effect of CBD is that makes you sleepy. So have you wondered whether the use of CBD vape would have the same effect? The simple answer is that it depends on a few factors.

Typically, people feel sleepy after larger doses of CBD, such as 1500mg of pure CBD oil. This is a major reason why many people are turned off by it right off the bat. It also works the other way though; people with insomnia prefer CBD for its sleep-inducing effect.

For many people, sleepiness no longer comes on after they’ve taken CBD oil without THC for a few days. This means they stand to gain just the benefits such as inflammation reduction, pain relief, stress relief, and relaxation. Users with insomnia generally grow to love CBD products like CBD gummies, CBD tinctures, and CBD vapes after the initial period during which their bodies grow used to the compound.

Tiredness If You Take Too Much CBD

At any given time, your body is used to a certain level of CBD, starting off from none. And it’s widely known that CBD can make you drowsy, but you should also know why this is the case. The drowsiness only occurs when you take in more CBD than you were used to, following which you get a sensation of lethargy or sleepiness. By the same token, a smaller dose would not induce such an effect. That said, almost any dose is a large dose for a newbie.

The drowsiness that comes as a result of taking pure CBD oil or a CBD vape would diminish in intensity after you’ve built up a tolerance, and if you start taking the compound on the regular, you’d need time for your body to adjust to the change. Generally, drowsiness diminishes within a couple of weeks, and all you experience are the positive and beneficial effects.

CBD Vapes Let You Control Dosage

While using a CBD vape, you have significantly more control over the dosage of CBD going into your body. Compare this to a CBD tincture for example, of which most people take a full dropper when it is daytime, and another during the evening. Some even take a half dropper after each couple of hours, but they always take two daily doses.

A CBD vape lets you take much smaller doses spaced out within regular intervals, which is called microdosing. With the amount of CBD ingested being smaller, you do not have to worry about the drowsiness or lethargy which comes with using a tincture or oil.