CBD For Pain

We all suffer from some form of pain during our life. If you are suffering from pain for a prolonged period, it may be due to some underlying issue and you may need proper treatment. In order to manage pain, doctors usually recommend ibuprofen. This is the most common drug used for managing pain. Recent studies are showing that CBD, a cannabinoid compound, is also capable of pain management.

With the introduction of CBD into the healthcare industry, many people are asking whether it can be taken with ibuprofen to manage pain effectively. Keep on reading this article to know more about it.

Ibuprofen For Alleviating Pain

Ibuprofen is a common NSAID that was initially identified in 1961. It’s now found in a variety of over-the-counter pain relievers, including well-known brands like Motrin and Brufen. Ibuprofen is particularly effective at relieving most types of inflammation-related pain. It’s also effective as a fever reliever. It acts by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins, a type of hormone. Prostaglandins, unlike other hormones, are not produced by any gland. Rather, they arise as a result of chemical interactions at the location where they’re required. This is usually a place where an infection or tissue damage has occurred.

CBD For Pain Management

For hundreds of years, people all around the world have been using cannabis for alleviating pain. Now, studies conducted on cannabis have found that cannabinoids like THC and CBD present in it help with their pain-relieving properties. Studies have also shown that CBD offers a wide range of health benefits without causing a euphoric sensation. Today, millions of people are using CBD creams for reducing inflammation and pain associated with arthritis.

Interaction Of CBD With Ibuprofen

The way CBD and ibuprofen engage with pain response pathways is the main difference between them. CBD can bind with the CB2 receptors in the endocannabinoid system, whereas ibuprofen prevents COX-2 from releasing extra prostaglandins. CBD’s analgesic action is complicated, and it’s not as well studied as ibuprofen’s. It does, however, appear to provide pain relief by suppressing neurotransmitter function.

There is currently little information on how CBD interacts with other drugs, such as ibuprofen. More research is necessary, but CBD has been demonstrated to have an inhibiting effect on several enzymes involved in drug metabolism. As a result, when an individual takes ibuprofen with CBD, the likelihood of suffering undesirable side effects connected to ibuprofen use may increase.