CBD For Sex

There are many intimacy products with cannabidiol in the thriving CBD sector. Vendors offer cannabidiol-infused lubricants, suppositories, arousal oils as well as natural ways of elevating sensations, increasing enjoyment and reducing sexual inhibitions. Now, does the existence of those products mean that CBD for sex works? Here, we will discuss some information to help you find the answer to the question.

What Does Research Say About CBD For Sex?

There has been much research looking at cannabis’s effects on male and female sexual function. A recent study reported a connection between an improved sexual function for men and more frequent use of cannabis. A different study found that around 100 people reported consuming cannabis to change their sexual experiences. Up to around 40% of those participants reported that they had better sex after cannabis use, while 25% of them said that sex was occasionally better thanks to cannabis.

The same study explored 202 people and discovered that around 60% of them reported that cannabis drove up their libido and about 70% reported more sexual satisfaction. Up to 66% of those participants reported more intense orgasm sensations. Further, 70% of them stated that they were able to relax more while having sex thanks to cannabis.

A different study discovered that the cannabis plant activates the area in the brain that plays a part in sexual arousal. Thus, the study concluded that the plant is potentially helpful to people who have low libido levels.

Overall, there is mixed research on whether cannabinoids like cannabidiol for sex positively affect libido or not. There are some studies supporting cannabis use for better sex and sexual intimacy, but others have discovered that it reduces those feelings. It only points to a need for more studies specifically about cannabidiol, intimacy and sex for more conclusive findings.

Cannabidiol And The Reproductive System

The ovaries, endometrium and testes have cannabinoid receptors. Cannabidiol may not bind to those receptors but can influence the human endocannabinoid system and the reproductive parts.

For instance, topical CBD is also considered an anti-inflammatory substance, so using CBD lubricants is a potential solution for people with painful sex. Reducing inflammation in your vaginal canal is likely to bring down the pain you feel during intercourse.

As for men, cannabidiol can relax their artery walls and thus bring down blood pressure levels. It means that cannabidiol could play a part in treating erectile dysfunction.