Does CBD Help With Nausea

CBD has been known to help with a variety of health issues ranging from cardiovascular diseases to mental disorders. The cosmetic industry has also joined the various sectors that find CBD useful, all thanks to the miraculous effects of CBD in alleviating symptoms of various skin disorders. Another area where CBD finds increasing use is in dealing with the uncomfortable symptoms related to nausea.

How Does CBD Help With Nausea Symptoms?

CBD works with our endocannabinoid system responsible for sending signals through our central nervous system and assists with maintaining the overall balance of our body. The endocannabinoid system is primarily responsible for dealing with pain and nausea by controlling the reflexes that act as a trigger for nausea and vomiting.

Most conventional therapies focus on inhibiting parts of the endocannabinoid system using prescription medication. This might be counterproductive in some people by actually aggravating the symptoms of nausea. CBD works by focussing on stimulating the endocannabinoid system, thereby suppressing nausea and associated symptoms. Anandamide is a cannabinoid that acts as an anti-emetic, responsible for suppressing the urge to vomit. CBD helps by increasing the production of anandamide and by slowing down its breakdown, making it available to the body to use against nausea-induced symptoms.

Best Ways To Consume CBD For Nausea

People who are new to CBD are often advised to start with low dosages that are considered safe. This would help understand how your body would react to the new compound. Typically harmless, CBD can help relieve symptoms almost immediately when consumed in the right manner and in the right dosage. CBD products come as CBD oils, tinctures, gummies and other edibles. To get the most out of the product and to get faster relief, it is advisable to avoid it from being processed by the digestive system. For example, CBD oil drops can be held under the tongue to help with direct absorption to the blood capillaries, thereby bypassing the digestive system and acting fast to relieve the symptoms. For long-term health benefits, supplements in the form of capsules and gummies can be consumed regularly in dosages that are considered safe.

The long-term effects of CBD and other compounds in the products infused with CBD have not yet been studied completely. CBD may have the potential to interact with prescription anti-nausea drugs and other medications. In the absence of relevant information regarding this, it is recommended to consult with your general physician before using CBD products for nausea-related problems.