Can CBD Help In Promoting Weight Loss?

CBD For General Wellness
CBD For General Wellness
CBD For Weight Loss
CBD For Weight Loss

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is one of the active cannabinoids in the cannabis plant that can provide a lot of health benefits. Since its discovery in 1940, numerous studies have looked into the health benefits of CBD and found that this cannabinoid compound could help in the treatment of health problems like arthritis, stress, anxiety, digestive issues, skin problems, insomnia, migraines, etc. Studies have also shown that the use of CBD could help in improving your brain and heart health.

There are a lot of health benefits for CBD but we still do not know much about its effects on weight loss and weight gain. This article aims at establishing how CBD can affect your weight.

CBD For Weight Loss

According to some early studies and anecdotal records, the use of CBD may help in promoting weight loss in people who are obese. It was found that the use of CBD may help in reducing food intake and enhance your metabolism. This will be very effective in promoting weight loss. Recent animal studies have shown that CBD affects your weight by its interaction with CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors, which play major roles in food intake and metabolism.

In a recent 2-week study conducted on rats, researchers have found evidence for the effects of CBD in reducing body weight. The rats were injected with 1.1 mg and 2.3 mg per pound of CBD each day. After the study period, significant reductions in body weight were observed and the rats that got high doses of CBD showed the most pronounced effect.

White and brown are the two variants of fats that are commonly observed in the human body. Brown fat is responsible for burning calories and white fat is accountable for stowing and providing energy. The amount of brown fat in overweight people will be very low. When we get adequate sleep and do regular exercise, the white fat gets converted into brown fat. Some recent studies have found that CBD could help in promoting the browning of fat cells.

Trying CBD For Weight Loss

Even though some recent studies have shown that CBD may help in promoting weight loss, more studies are necessary to confirm CBD as a better treatment option for obesity. If you decide to try CBD oil for weight loss, make sure to consult a doctor first and figure out the right CBD dosage. Also, buy CBD products that are manufactured by reputed CBD companies.