CBD For Runners

Running has many advantages, but it also has some disadvantages. Running, understandably, puts a lot of strain on the body, especially the legs. Running, jogging, and sprinting are all tried-and-true workouts. They’re not only a fantastic way to increase your heart rate and get into great shape, but they’re also a more affordable option than traditional gyms. A morning run around your neighborhood is free and requires only a little willpower.

Runners can sustain several injuries that could affect their overall health and diminish their standard of living. Even though these injuries can be managed by some existing treatment options, health experts often recommend natural remedies.

Let’s take a look at some of the injuries that are common among runners and the benefit of CBD for runners.

Achilles Tendonitis 

It attaches calf muscles to the heel. When the tendon is overworked, it becomes tight and gets irritated. Achilles Tendonitis is not a common injury among runners. It accounts for about 11% of all runner’s injuries. Swelling can also be reduced by using ice. CBD topical cream can be directly applied to the affected region and gently massage into the skin for managing the pain. Topicals like CBD cream and CBD lotion can be absorbed and then used directly on the injured region because there are several cannabinoid receptors present in our skin.

Runner’s Knee

When the cartilage on the backside of the kneecap becomes irritated, it is known as the runner’s knee. It’s so widespread that it’s responsible for nearly 40 % of all the injuries among runners. Despite its name, this injury isn’t just a problem for runners. It can erupt as a result of prolonged sitting, or while descending a flight of stairs or a hill. CBD users may apply the topical CBD cream to their kneecaps and the backside of their knees after a run to relieve any soreness. CBD is proven to be a natural alternative to NSAIDs like ibuprofen for athletes.

Hamstring Injuries 

The majority of hamstring injuries are caused by poorly developed or weak muscles. If you have short or long muscles, you can develop a hamstring problem. Since their muscles are excessively stretched and thus vulnerable, flexible people are prone to hamstring problems. Hamstring injuries can vary in severity from minor aches and pains with little impact on your running ability to severe pain and bruising. If it’s a minor injury, icing it and applying a topical CBD cream may suffice. However, if it becomes a more serious problem, you must seek medical help.